Office of Judge Executive
Judge Executive Staff
The Gallatin County Office of the Judge Executive is located at 200 Washington Street, Warsaw, KY 41095
You may also send correspondence to our post office box (P.O. Box 144)
Lesa Bullard
Tax Administrator & Treasurer
PO Box 144
200 Washington Street
Warsaw, KY 41095
Phone: (859) 567-5691
Fax: (859) 567-4764
Madi Pelfrey
Finance Officer
PO Box 144
200 Washington Street
Warsaw, KY 41095
Phone: (859) 567-5691
Amy Stewart
Administrative Assistant
PO Box 144
200 Washington Street
Warsaw, KY 41095
Phone: (859) 567-5691
Jim Hansen
Planning & Zoning
PO Box 144
200 Washington Street
Warsaw, KY 41095
Phone: (859) 903-3015
Fax: (859) 567-4764
(859) 567-5691
Gallatin County, Kentucky
200 Washington Street
P.O. Box 144
Warsaw, KY 41095
Gallatin County Judge Executive
Ryan Morris
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Fiscal Court Meetings
Second Thursday of Each Month @ 6:00pm
M.E. Bogardus Extension Office Building Annex
395 US 42 West - Warsaw, Kentucky 41095